TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .EDUCATION registration $26.66 $53.32 $79.98 $106.64 $133.30 $159.96 $186.62 $213.28 $239.94 $266.60

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.EDUCATION yes yes (EPP) yes yes 1-10 years

Registering .EDUCATION Domains

These days, considering the countless domain names registered on the web, it's tough to find the exact domain name which you prefer. Yet, the majority of domain names are restricted to just several generic domain name extensions, for example .COM or .NET. If you are looking for a domain name extension which will make your domain name more exclusive, which will allow it to stand out from the crowd, in that case .EDUCATION is the right choice. The .EDUCATION TLD is just rising in popularity, so there are countless attractive domain names still accessible. You can get not just a domain name that suits the name of your company, but also a domain name that matches your Internet site's specific niche.

With xHosting CYou you could get a .EDUCATION domain name for just $26.66 per year.

.EDUCATION Domain Names with xHosting CYou

Available as standard with every newly-registered domain name, xHosting CYou's full-featured, and very easy to use Domain Manager is, actually, the ideal place where you'll be able to control many .EDUCATION domain names and their DNS and WHOIS options. It is possible to park unlimited domains, create URL redirections and a lot more.

And since the Domain Manager is part of our Web Hosting Control Panel, it is possible to take care of your domains as well as your sites at the same time, just in case you in addition have a hosting account with xHosting CYou.